Ash and Barrel Cigar Social Lounge

The ultimate curated cigar and spirits experience.

Where do you go after a long grueling day of work for some R&R or when there’s a business associate to impress? Our suggestion: Ash and Barrel Cigar Social Lounge—the ultimate premiere cigar and lounge experience. Sophisticated, warm, and welcoming…definitely not your typical stale and stuffy in-the-basement establishment, Ash and Barrel was the brainchild of Robin and Tony Briscoe. Their mutual love of cigars, fine wine, whiskey, etc., will have you signing up for the experience of a lifetime! We curated a brand strategy that included brand identity, web development, and social media support to launch their exquisite idea into reality.


Support: Brand Strategy, Graphic Identity, Website, Social Media & Digital, Print



Graphic Identity


Social Media & Digital



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